31 December 2078
This is a story of a middle class Indian with a prosaic career who manages to get a breakthrough and migrates to US in 2023 at the age of 35.
The year now is 2078 and the date is 31 December. Today is his 90th birthday and last day before he undertakes the vow of peaceful slumber.
As he sits to pen down his flashback stories chronologically in his dairy, he starts to unfold series of breath taking and chilling events which occurred around the world in his time. ……..….. Neither the world nor the world order remained the same.
Each Death must be full of life. And so be it in the life of Jeevan Malhotra
Read to know how and why the concept of taking peaceful slumber at a certain age has got the acceptance of one and all……….…...

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March 4, 2024
Copyright (c) 2012 Author
Details about this monograph
ISBN-10 (02)
ISBN-13 (15)
How to Cite
31 December 2078. (2024). Shhalaj Publishing House. https://readworthypub.com/index.php/shhalaj/catalog/book/1